Southern Region -> 7456 0492  Highlands Region -> 7914 8139| Momase Region ->7441 3115| NGI Region ->7985 1678      

Get In Touch

Reach out to us & we will respond as soon as we can.

Contact Form

We are here to help you

United Finance Limited aims to step into serving the very needy with personal loans by establishing a few branches throughout Papua New Guinea. Below are the three most common centers where you can collect information and other center’s contact details.

Branch Office

Mt. Hagen

P O Box 785, MT HAGEN 281, WHP
Chemica Building, Hagen Town Central, Lot 24, Section, 21 (Office 3, 2rd Floor)
Tel: 542 3323 Mb: 7098 9196/7598 1447



Port Moresby

Port Moresby Office (Head Office)
P O Box 1798, BOROKO 111, NCD
Garden City, Angau Drive, Lot 14, Section 18 (GC 2A03, 1st Floor)
Tel: 323 2278 Mb: 7444 7220/7673 8042

Branch Office


Banz Office

C/-P O Box 785, BANZ, Jiwaka Province
Tel: 546 1028 Mb: 7387 4409
