Reach out to us & we will respond as soon as we can.
Reach out to us & we will respond as soon as we can.
United Finance Limited aims to step into serving the very needy with personal loans by establishing a few branches throughout Papua New Guinea. Below are the three most common centers where you can collect information and other center’s contact details.
P O Box 785, MT HAGEN 281, WHP
Chemica Building, Hagen Town Central, Lot 24, Section, 21 (Office 3, 2rd Floor)
Tel: 542 3323 Mb: 7098 9196/7598 1447
Port Moresby Office (Head Office)
P O Box 1798, BOROKO 111, NCD
Garden City, Angau Drive, Lot 14, Section 18 (GC 2A03, 1st Floor)
Tel: 323 2278 Mb: 7444 7220/7673 8042
Banz Office
C/-P O Box 785, BANZ, Jiwaka Province
Tel: 546 1028 Mb: 7387 4409